How to join any PSU after engineering?

Are you planning to join PSU?  Then You have come to right place.  I gonna explain the complete process of joining almost any PSU.  So before getting into detail,  Let me tell you that I have prepared a mind map which is self explanatory and will save your lot of time. Please go through it:

You have completed engineering or even pursuing engineering and decided to join PSU. It really great decision for you. This small decision gonna put in a list of serious student. I really appreciate it. This post objective is to explain the process of joining PSUs so Let’s start.

Almost every PSU accept GATE score for recruitment  and those who does not they ask the same question which is asked in GATE. So needless to say that GATE Registration and getting a good score is mandatory.
After you have got your GATE score, you need to apply job at every PSU individually. You can get this information either by checking their official websites or from employment news website. You need to apply for the job by filling personal, educational and GATE registration details. Once you have completed this steps, All you have to do is wait…
Once these PSUs completed the process for screening of all the application processes, They start sending interview call letter. Interview call letter has every information that you need to know. It tell you all the list of documents requires for the joining the interview, Venue and timing of the interview.
Please cross check your document multiple times. If you have applied in some category like EWS/OBC/SC/ST then make sure you are carrying them with you otherwise you will be treated as General Category.
Reach the venue of Interview 30 mins before the time given in the call letter. You never know, how big the venue will be? It may take more 30 min to reach the exact interview location from the GATE. 😅

So you must be knowing that all these Public Sector Enterprises follows almost same pattern for the interview process. We can categorise the whole process into three parts i.e. Personal Interview, Group Discussion and Group Task. GATE Score weightage is 85% and Other process like PI,GT,GD carries 15% but even if the interview process carries 15% weightage, Don’t take it lightly. I have seen top ranked not getting into final list.

Lets me share my view on Personal Interview,Group Task and Group Discussion:

  1. Personal Interview
    Most of the time these it gets finished with normal discussion about you, location ,education and hobbies. Your technical subjects are also asked but very few. Mostly it goes easy. Please be genuine and simple in your answer. Don’t try to outfox the interviewer or Panel. Remember! They are BOSS.
  2. Group Task
    GT is to test how good you are in solving problem as a Team? It is conducted to test your leadership skill, How innovative you are, how good you are in brainstorming?The observer will make a team of 6–10 candidates and the team will be given a problem statement and your team will have to find best solution for that particular problem. You need to co-operate with the team to find the best solution with your innovative ideas and supporting your team members idea only if that is good 🙂 You may encounter with someone’s idea but keep in mind that should be in very amicable and logical way.
  3. Group Discussion
    GD is conducted to evaluate you communication skill and convincing skills. These GDs are not like typical college time GDs. These are well managed and organised. You don’t need to worry, if you have not been in such situation before.The group will be given a topic and you will have to speak “for the motion” or “against the motion”. You will be given time to think about the topic and think about the points and you may take a note of it if you want to but only after asking it from observer.

    Initially every member of the group will be given their time to put your view about the topic. Then they will keep an interval for actual discussion time to counter and prove your point and finally, they will ask every one to conclude.

    So you should keep your opinion. Even if you find some difficulty in the language then speak in Hindi because your opinion matters the most.Most of the time, these GD topics are related to the company product, services only.

Along with revising your core subjects, You should also read about the products and services of the company. You can also watch news channels because it helps in making good opinion. I would recommend two show The Big Picture and Desh Deshantar by Rajya Sabha TV. It helps if any question comes from recent news.

Once you will perform these steps well along with your nice GATE score. You will clear the PSU interview for sure.

But it also depends on the number of vacancies as well. Let say a top PSU is going to recruit only 5 and there more interested candidates who got combined score (in GATE+PI+GT+GD) better than you.Then in such cases definitely you might be in trouble.

After everything is over you will be asked to leave and wait for the result. Once result is out and you are selected then that is your lucky day. Enjoy it with your friends and family. I really wish you join PSU of your choice. I wish you good luck and All the very best.

Always remember, No achievement is bigger than “YOU”.


What is criteria for “Creamy Layer” in OBC Reservation?

I have came across many a people from O.B.C.Community who makes mistake in deciding whether they fall under “Non Creamy Layer” or “Creamy Layer”.  Mandal Commission has clearly mentioned the “Indicators (Criteria)  for Social and Educationally Backward” classes in Page No 52 of Part-I.
However in the current time, its difficult to go by these definition and there have been filed many public litigations in Supreme Court. In one of those litigation, it was claimed that if the reservation would be given on such recommended criteria then there is possibility that “Reservation benefits would be snatched away by creamy layer of backward class or caste“. So The nine-judge bench established the concept of qualitative exclusion and it is known as “Creamy Layer“.
Criteria for Creamy Layer:
An exhaustive criteria for who will fall under creamy layer category has been given in an order issued by Nation Commission on Backward Classes on 2nd March 2015 via DO No. NCBC/MS/1/2015 Please see this link Criteria for Creamy Layer
  1. Central List of O.B.C. 
  2. Mandal Commission Report Part 1 and Part 2
  3. Other Backward Class – Wikipedia
  4. Criteria for Creamy Layer


Managing Social Media Environments for Studies

With the increasing availability of internet,Students have started using Facebook and other social media (i.e. twitter,instagram,snapchat etc.) for connecting with their friends and sharing photos among them.But it’s also important for students to keep their studies up along with these fun activities. One opens up Facebook for simply checking out but they end up spending hours. It creates inefficiency in our endeavours. But There is one way to use Facebook as your companion in your studies.

Is it to stop using Facebook completely ? No, Its bit impossible for people to stop using Facebook totally since it help us connecting with people living miles aways even in other continents. So Now the Question comes, how to continue using Facebook and study at the same time? There are two major categories of contents over Facebook.

First, Trending News and Facebook Ads which is completely not in user control but it’s sometimes gives relevant information. It’s suggested not to open any of the irrelevant ads because it will waste your valuable time.

Second, What FB User has opted to view? These are friends you make, groups you join, pages you liked. This is the grey area where one need to work upon specially students. Here are some suggestions that you should use to make Facebook more study friendly.

For friends, You must have heard or experienced in your life, “Choose your friends and book wisely.” Reasons why to choose friends wisely ? First, Strong-willed friends can help increase your self-control. Second, Friends can greatly influence your choices. You can see how important, it is to choose good friends irrespective of be real life of your Facebook life. Sometimes it feel unsocial to remove somebody from your friend list who you don’t find Good. Simply Unfollow them and you will not get any post from them.(Its highly recommended if you are preparing for any exam.)

For Groups, Groups can be a very good idea for study. There are so many groups over the facebook which you can join but you should choose it wisely. You should only join those group which are helpful to you in some way.
For example, Let suppose you are preparing for an exam and you find a group of people who are also preparing for that exam. So it becomes easy for everyone to keep track of your preparation progress and notification from exam authorities like IITs, SSC,UPSC,UPPSC etc. You will easily get to know when the Application forms is coming and what is the last date to fill the form. Using Group as a platform you can ask queries and clear your doubts. .I have personally experience it and found it useful while preparing for my GATE exam. (Group Name is GATE Computer Science link:

For facebook pages, We generally tend to like each and every pages that we find interesting. Facebook is nowadays has become a good way to make money by advertise and generate traffic by waste information. So refrain from such pages. However do follow your role modal means who you would like to be or like to follow by action. There work and achievements will motivate you to strive for your goal.