Common Mistakes to Avoid During GATE CSE Preparation

GATE, or the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, is a highly competitive exam taken by students who wish to pursue a post-graduate degree in engineering. For those preparing for GATE Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), it is important to be aware of some of the Common Mistakes to Avoid During GATE CSE Preparation that can help you in order to maximize their chances of success.

Here are some of the most Common Mistakes to Avoid During GATE CSE Preparation:

Not starting early enough

Preparing for GATE CSE can require considerable time and effort, and starting late can leave you feeling overwhelmed. It’s best to start your preparation early, ideally six months to a year before the exam.

Not having a plan

To make the most effective use of your time, it’s important to have a plan of action. This should include a timeline of when to cover which topics, what resources to use, and when to take practice exams.

Skipping the basics

It’s easy to get carried away with the more advanced topics, but it’s important to cover the basics first. Understanding the fundamentals of computer science and engineering is key to success on the GATE CSE exam.

Not Revising enough

While it’s important to cover all the topics, it’s just as important to revise them. Make sure to go over your notes and practice problems regularly to ensure you’re up-to-date on all the material.

Not taking practice exams

Taking practice exams is one of the best ways to prepare for the GATE CSE. It’s important to take practice exams that closely resemble the actual exam, so you can get an accurate sense of where you stand.

Not taking breaks

Studying for the GATE CSE can be intense, and it’s important to take regular breaks to avoid burnout. Taking regular breaks will help you stay focused and energized throughout the entire preparation process.

Not getting enough sleep

Sleep is essential for proper functioning, and it’s important to get enough of it when preparing for the GATE CSE. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to ensure you’re well-rested and ready for the exam.

Not asking for help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck on a particular topic, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your professors, classmates, or online forums to get clarification and advice.

Not managing your time effectively

Time management is key to success on the GATE CSE, so it’s important to know how to manage your time effectively. Set a schedule and stick to it, and make sure to give yourself plenty of time to review.

Not staying motivated

The GATE CSE can be a long and intimidating process, and it’s important to stay motivated throughout. Set realistic goals and reward yourself when you reach them to keep your morale up.

How to become a Software Developer in 2023

Becoming a software developer in 2023 requires a combination of education, experience, and a strong understanding of the latest technologies. Here are some steps to help you achieve your goal of becoming a software developer:

A degree in computer science or a related field, such as software engineering or information technology, can provide you with a solid foundation in computer programming and software development. This will give you a good understanding of the fundamental concepts and theories that are used in software development.

Learn a programming language:

Once you have a good understanding of the basics of computer science and software development, it’s time to start learning a programming language. There are many programming languages to choose from, but some of the most popular ones include Java, Python, C++, and C#. It’s important to choose a language that you’re comfortable with and that is in high demand in the industry.

Get experience through internships or personal projects

Once you have a good understanding of a programming language and the basics of software development, it’s time to start gaining experience. One of the best ways to do this is through internships or personal projects. Internships allow you to work on real-world projects and gain experience working in a team environment. Personal projects allow you to explore your own interests and gain experience working on your own.

The software development industry is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends. This can be done by reading industry blogs and publications, attending conferences, and participating in online communities.

Network on LinkedIn

Networking is an important aspect of any career, and software development is no exception. Attend local meetups, conferences and events to meet other developers and learn more about the industry. This will give you an opportunity to meet potential employers and get a better understanding of the industry.

Specialize in a Domain

There are many different types of software development, and it’s important to specialize in a specific area. Some areas of specialization include web development, mobile development, game development, and data science. Specializing in a specific area will make you more valuable to employers and increase your chances of getting a job.

Be passionate and persistent

Software development is a challenging field, and it’s important to be passionate and persistent in order to succeed. Keep learning and experimenting with new technologies, and never give up on your goal of becoming a software developer.


In conclusion, becoming a software developer in 2023 requires a combination of education, experience, and a strong understanding of the latest technologies. By obtaining a degree in computer science or a related field, learning a programming language, gaining experience through internships or personal projects, staying updated with the latest technologies and trends, networking, specializing and being passionate and persistent, you can achieve your goal of becoming a software developer. With the continuous growth and demand for software developers, the future is bright for those who pursue a career in this field.

That’s How I started Reading Books-Only 2 Pages a Day

I used to hate books a lot even reeading Only 2 Pages a Day was a difficult job for me. I started listening to Motivational Speakers but I always wonder how these motivational speaker speaks so well and use apt and catchy lines.

It was 2014 and the Nation was going through a lot of turbulance be it political, religious but for me it was Career.

I had started my career as an Software Engineer with Samsung Reseach Institute, Noida in 2012. I got an opportunity to work with a lot of brilliant minds.

We all were different but there was one unique thing among all of us. We all wanted to excel in life.

Some of them landed into top notch IT companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc. and few of them joined adminstritive services to serve the nation and few opted to go for higher studies (M. B. A. , M. S. and M Tech from IISc and IITs).

I always wondered why I am not like them? I started looking for options to increase my productivity and find my motivation.

I wached few vidoes of Sandeep Maheshwari, Sadhguru and Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar on motivation, productivity, concentration.

Finally, I decided to appear for GATE CSE in Year 2015. It was a big decision for me because I have been away from my computer science books for more than 2 Years.

Then I decided to join Made Easy Noida so that I could recollect and understand the concepts in depth with renowed teachers like Sh. Subbarao Readdy, Sh Ravikumar Peddapu, Sh. Balakrishna Veerala and Sh. Ramesh Sundaram. (Just to name a few).

I did fairly okay that year but it was not good enough to get into IIT so I tried again next year for GATE 2016.

I was having 2 choices again either to repeat the coaching or do self study. I was not having confidence in that I will be able to complete syllabus on my own.

So I decided to take a middle path and joined Ravindra Kumar Ravula’s Online Classes. He is a very good teacher and at the same time he is growth hugry person and He also wanted same with his students.

Apart from regular classes, He used to upoad some motivation videos regarding GATE and about some life stories.

During the same period, He suggested to read The Magic of Thinking Big by David J Schwartz to keep yourself motivated and he suggested to read only 2 pages per day.

I could never thought that I could ever complete a book but I did. It was an amzing achievement for me.

I don’t read many books but I would have read more than 50 books after that. I also learned Speedy Reading. I will write about it also some time.

Reading helped me to understand different perspective of life and even I started becoming more confident because I always wanted to read books but It was just a matter of start.

You too can. It is just a matter of start.

Start Small Only 2 Pages a Day !

Disclaimer: This post have some external links and few of them are affiliate links.

GATE 2023 Exam Schedule

GATE 2023 Exam Schedule is now avalable. GATE is one of the exam that gives a chance to improve your acedamics and also opens multiple career opportunities at the same time.

Through GATE, You can get admission into top IITs and IISc for you masters and also you can apply for jobs at top PSUs.

Here, I have tried to compile all the important informations realted to GATE 2023 Exam Schedule.


Any undergraduate student currently in 3rd year or higher years of any government approved program in Engineering/Technology/Architecture/Arts/Commerce/Science is eligible to appear for GATE 2023.

Also, There is not age limit for the examination. All you need to do is fill the application form and prepare for it.

Important Dates :

Important DatesDescription
30th Aug, 2022Opening Date of Online Application
30th Sept, 2022Closing Date of Regular Registration
07th Oct, 2022End of Extended Period (with Late Fee)
03rd Jan, 2023Availability of GATE Admit cards for download
4th, 5th, 11th & 12th Feb, 2023Exam Dates
15th Feb, 2023Candidate’s response available on Application portal
21st Feb, 2023Answer keys available on Application portal
22nd to 25th Feb, 2023Submission of challenges by candidates on Answer Keys
16th Mar, 2023Announcement of Results for GATE 2023
21st Mar, 2023Score Card available for Download

Examination Cities:

GATE Official site also elisted zone wise examination cities.

Zone 1IISc Bangalore
Zone 2 IIT Bombay
Zone 3 IIT Delhi
Zone 4 IIT Guwahati
Zone 5 IIT Kanpur
Zone 6 IIT Kharagpur
Zone 7 IIT Madras
Zone 8 IIT Roorkee

You can see the completed list at below link:

List of Examination Cities


There is not much change in the syllabus for GATE CSE. There are 10 sections mentioned in the syllabus.

These are Engineering Mathematics, Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture, Programming and Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Compiler Design, Operating System, Databases, Computer Networks.

It can be viewed at GATE CSE Syllabus

GATE Official website also enlisted syllabus of other streams as well. You can find it here.

If you wan to appear for GATE 2022 Exam then you may visit the official website of GATE 2023.

Application will start from 30th August 2022. You can login here to fill your GATE 2023 application.

Finally, I wish you all the very best for your eaxmination and more importantly preparation.

Also, You are always welcome to ask any question in comment section related to GATE 2023 Exam Schedule or Preparation.

10 things I have learned about investing

Its been more than 10 years since I have been investing into stock market, mutual funds and insurances. I have learned a lot lesson from my good and bad decisions. I think its worth sharing to everyone.

  1. SIPs does wonder in long run. I have started my first SIP in year October 2013 in a Fund namely ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund – Regular Plan – Growth. I started with merely 2K monthly and It has become around 3 Lakhs.
  2. Mutual Fund Distributors do not suggest index fund despite it has beaten more than 90% of active funds in long run in past because Index Funds comes with way lesser expense ratio than active funds so the Distributor’s commission becomes even lesser. One should Invest in index funds even if you don’t know about market because India is going to grow no matter what. I will not show any comparison but I have given an index fund performance 
    UTI Nifty Index Fund - Direct Plan

    UTI Nifty Index Fund – Direct Plan

    Note : I personally like Nifty 50 over Sensex that’s why I have taken Nifty for showing return
  3. Emergency Fund should be an first step towards you investment journey. Everyone of us like to earn more and lead a healthy and prosperous life. If I will ever have a super power, then I will make this a fundamental right for everyone until then one should start investing for a better future. But There is a very interesting fact that most of the people have no idea how much is their monthly expense?  Its very common question people ask before investing is that “Will I be able to withdraw my money if I am in a need of it?” 
  4. Life Insurance is must to have. You should purchase at least one life insurance specially term plan with only natural and accidental death cover of 20X of you current yearly income. I am not suggesting to take any rider because it inflate the insurance cost unimaginably high.
  5. LIC Policies are not investment plans. You must be wondering , Why I am saying so. I got my first LIC policy namely Jeevan Saral (Plan-165) on 12 Sep 2009 and It got matured in 2019 and  I have paid premium of 2450 Quarterly (~800 Rs per month). I have paid about 96K as investment but guess how much I got ?  It was 1.21 Lakh only but if the same amount would have been invested in a value fund then I would have got more than 1.45 Lakh easily.
  6. Purchasing a house is not an investment unless you have black money or you are owning it to live in it. Real Estate is not a good investment until you are getting rent or annuity of ~7%. Still Real Estate has very soft corner in the people’s heart. Specially in villages, I have been asked this question many times: “तोहार केतना खेत बाटे?” . They understand it as symbol of prosperity which is actually not.
  7. There is something very much interesting about ULIP. Some of its promoters says, ULIP is “इनवेस्टमेंट भी इंसुरेंस भी” and My reaction to it is “कुछ भी 👊”. I am again these ULIP plans because they neither create good wealth nor give better risk cover. So it actually becomes like “Dhobi ka Kutta”.  I always prefer to keep insurance and investment portfolio completely separate. 

  8. You are going to get low interest if you are paying low interest on your home loans. We all hate low return on our safe investments like term deposits like bank’s FD, Post Office’s Saving Certificate but we love the low interest rates on the home loans. Its practically impossible to get good rate of return on our safe investment and home loans on lower return.
  9. Watching TV Channels on stocks market are not gonna help you in getting rich. I used to see people wearing suit boot and giving financial advise on how to make money from stock market. I always wonder if this fellow knows this much about stock market then why is the on TV. He should be making money and chilling out somewhere else.
  10. Trading will never make your rich instead it will surely makes your broker rich. Every time you trade you take additional leverage and trade values more than 10 to 20 times more money than you actually have in your trading account and at the end of the session 
These are from my personal experiences and I will keep on adding new ones with time. Please let me know if I missed anything that should have been enlisted.