When to invest in stock market for better profit?

You must have heard about market indexes like Nifty 50 or Sensex. These indicates the market movement and capital appreciation from a particular time.

Most of the time rising indexes creates FOMO* in the investors mindset and they start investing in a hurry and just with a small movement in market they get trap in situations neither they can exit from their positions nor they left with enough money for further investment.

Now the question is, What is the good time to invest?

You must have heard of famous quote from Warren Buffett for investment timing.

“Be fearful when others are greedy & greedy when others are fearful”

~ Warren Buffett

So how would an investor know, whether people are being fearful or greedy right now?

Solution to this complex question is very simple i.e. MMI i.e. Market Mood Indicator. MMI is a sentiment tool that describes the current mood in the market as emotions.

So whenever MMI is in Extreme Fear Zone, one can start fresh open positions.


My Experience with Jal Neti

Today I am going to share my experience with Jal Neti. I got to know about this from a Spiritual Teacher Shri Janardhanan Kuliyan. He imparted this knowledge to me as a part of his healings. You may read him on Kundalini Powers “My Experience with Mysterious Kundalini Powers: Spirtual Healing and Alternate Therapies Kindle Edition.

Jal Neti is an ancient yogic practice to keep nasal passes clean and strengthens respiratory system. It has lot of benefits as written in many books but I will be sharing what I have experience till now.

I always used to feel that one of my nasal pass is blocked and I am not breathing fully with that particular nasal pass. Breathing is equivalent to living. If you are not breathing well then You are not living well. It made my breathing better with time and I now feel like living more.

If you are not breathing well then You are not living well. 

Once I started feeling better with the breathing pattern. I also started feeling to have improved vision, calmness in mind and also reduction in my anger.

Please join my blog to get notification about the next blog “How to practive Jal Neti?”.

Thank you for reading me  🙂

Tortoise – A Symbol of Success

You must have seen many shopkeepers, jewellers and even households have kept tortoise in a water filled plate of brass (or glass).

Photo (1) : Feng Sui Tortoise
I have asked many about “What is the significance of it?” Mostly They answered  that they keep it for better career or longevity of life or to fulfil their wish with best of it time.All they have to do is change the water and remind them of the wish every single day.
I found it very illogical. Whenever I see such tortoise idol and It reminds me of a story of “Tortoise and Hare race” so we all know tortoise is a symbol of success.

Photo(2) : Tortoise and Hare Race
So merely by keeping tortoise your wish will not be fulfilled instead you have to work slowly but steady fashion like tortoise does.


“Slow and Steady wins the race”
Tortoise is just a symbol to remind you that “Slow but steady wins the race”. You can even keep a photo of tortoise and which remind you that you don’t have to stop.

1. Feng Sui Tortoise
2. Tortoise and Hare Race

लहरों और किनारों का प्यार

उठा लहर समंदर में फिर से इक बार,
चाहता था किनारे से मिलने को इस बार।
पूरी कोशिश की फिर से इस बार ,
पर हुआ निराश इस बार जैसे हर बार।
सोचा हम आये लांघ कर मिलो ,
और वो ना बढ़े महज कदम दो-चार।
सोचा सायद उनको लगा होगा,
आया होगा ऐसे ही बेकार।
मन बनाया मिलने की जा कर उस पार,
लेकिन मिली निराशा जैसे हर एक बार।
हो कुछ भी पर ऐसा ही कुछ,
लहरों और किनारो का प्यार।।

~Sandeep Singh

Myths and Facts about Petrol Price in India

Coal, Diesel and Petrol are still the major source for energy in our country. That’s why rise in petrol price become a very big concern among the general public. That why I am going to share Myths and Facts about Petrol Price in India for bigger picture regarding petrol price in India.


Petrol prices can be as low as Rs 35/Ltr or Rs 40/Ltr. Even some time people share some picture on social media explaining how the petrol price are very low in our neighbouring countries ? For example this
With such fake document, few people infer that Indian OMCs(Oil Marketing Companies) are doing nothing but a loot. Which is totally absurd and wrong interpretation.


Whenever I see such kind of rumours I feel so bad  but now i am taking this as an opportunity to explain why we, the people of India, pay this much of price.
Firstly, You do google search and you will get to know what are the petrol prices in Pakistan, Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh? & you will find that these price figures are totally wrong.
To make your job easy, I have already taken petroleum product’s prices in our neighbouring countries from Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell for the shake fo authenticity.
You can clearly see that how the above spread data is wrong.
I think nobody points out “Why the Kerosene & LPG price in India are lowest among all the neighbouring countries which run every common individual’s kitchen?”
Secondly, It would be better to know the price build up to understand why petrol retail prices are this much. I am taking today’s(i.e. 27 Aug 2018) data for explaining the price buildup.
Price build up is self explanatory.
Please share this to everyone and relax.

ISRO – Interview Experience 2016

I was not very much confident about the ISRO examination result but i got shortlisted for the interview. My inerview venue was DOS Staff Housing,Sector 17, Antariksha Vihar,Dwarka, New Delhi. They have asked us to report at 8:00 AM. Then we were asked to wait in the hall. They used to call group of 4 candidate on random order (Specifically it was the strategy to finish all female candidates’ interview early). They did document verification and we were asked to wait for the interview. After waiting complete day. My interview started at 7:20 PM.
Interview mostly started with my Bio Data(a specific format by ISRO filled by candidates) and favorite subjects.There were approximately 8 ISROians in the panel. Below are the question which were asked to me
  1. Which Encoding Technique its using in Fast Ethernet?
  2. Something related to flow Control and access control (Don’t remember the exact question)
  3. you have worked on android so do you know about android Database and its supported data types ?
  4. Why linux has become very much popular ?
  5. Basics about pointer and some operation using this ?
  6. What is Race condition ?
  7. What is Shared Memory ?
  8. One program output they asked to me (There was a board to explain the concepts didactically in case you need or you are asked )
1. This blog was originally written on Gate Overflow. I found it can be useful for many people so i am posting it again at my personal blog.
2. I did not get selected in this interview.

What is criteria for “Creamy Layer” in OBC Reservation?

I have came across many a people from O.B.C.Community who makes mistake in deciding whether they fall under “Non Creamy Layer” or “Creamy Layer”.  Mandal Commission has clearly mentioned the “Indicators (Criteria)  for Social and Educationally Backward” classes in Page No 52 of Part-I.
However in the current time, its difficult to go by these definition and there have been filed many public litigations in Supreme Court. In one of those litigation, it was claimed that if the reservation would be given on such recommended criteria then there is possibility that “Reservation benefits would be snatched away by creamy layer of backward class or caste“. So The nine-judge bench established the concept of qualitative exclusion and it is known as “Creamy Layer“.
Criteria for Creamy Layer:
An exhaustive criteria for who will fall under creamy layer category has been given in an order issued by Nation Commission on Backward Classes on 2nd March 2015 via DO No. NCBC/MS/1/2015 Please see this link Criteria for Creamy Layer
  1. Central List of O.B.C. 
  2. Mandal Commission Report Part 1 and Part 2
  3. Other Backward Class – Wikipedia
  4. Criteria for Creamy Layer


Yoga Techniques By The Art of Living

I was looking for an alternative of regular gym to keep my body and mind fit so I got to know about Yoga Techniques By The Art of Living. I searched for it everywhere but I could not find any teacher in my area in my home town.

I came to Mumbai in 2016 by the virtue of my job and got some time to focus on my body and mind. I again started looking for nearby yoga classes by The Art of Living.

I did a google search and came to know that “Happiness Program” is happening near to my office so I joined the program and It was really awesome and I still feel so good whenenver I remind myself about the teaching I have learned in the program.

I was introduced with an amazing Breathing and Meditation technique know as “Sudarshan Kriya”. I felt so good after trying it for first time.

I have enlited some of the Yoga Techniques By The Art of Living below. You can go through these techniques. You never know, you may need it and you are not even aware about these techniques.

Sudarshan Kriya

Sudarshan Kriya by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmonize the body, mind and emotions. The Art of Living SKY is a unique and powerful breathing technique which eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused & yet relaxed.
If you want to learn Sudarshan Kriya,please visit https://www.artofliving.org/in-en and put in your query and you will get the response call within a day.

Kapal Bhati

Kapalbhati Pranayama Breathing Technique – Also known as Skull Shining Breathing Technique is a very effective for the weight loss.

Surya Namskar

Surya Namaskar is an ancient form of Yoga, an art of solar vitalization. It is a meditative technique to lose weight, improve posture and to strengthen muscles. Surya Namaskar is a great method to keep yourself in high fitness level and also relieves you from stress.

Padma Saadhna

Padma Sadhana, to rejuvenate your body and mind. These practices can make you more sensitive to subtle sensations in the body and is one of the surest way to steady the wandering mind. It helps in toning the leg and arm muscles and adds greater flexibility to the back.


I am  promotiing Yoga Techniques By The Art of Living but I am sharing it becase I have met many people who dont start yoga just because they want to do it in correct way. These videos could be very helpful in starting your yoga journey but these voideo can never replace the importance of having a yoga teacher and learning it directly from teacher itself.

Mumbai is becoming better in Metro Connectivity

I came to Mumbai in October 2016 from Noida/Delhi. There are many things that i miss here in Mumbai and one of the major thing is the Metro Connectivity. While traveling to office, i usually see lot of construction work is happening for the metro connectivity by MMRC and because of this construction work, Mumbaikars have to face lot of traffic. I must say the construction work is going on with a very good speed and i always wondered, how these people are making this happend at such a good speed and out of curiosity i searched in youtube “Making of Mumbai Metro” and i found one video name “Mumbai Metro Making.  This video tells how the construction work is going on.