How I learned Sudarshan Kriya?
Sudarshan Kriya
I’m Sandeep Singh. Here, I share my life experiences. I love blogging, travelling and Reading Books. I have secured AIR 426 in GATE 2016 and currently working as Assistant Manager (Information Systems) with Indian Oil Corporation LImited.


I have completed my schooling from Maharshi Arvind Vidya Madir and there was a whole subject for Sharirik Shiksha in class 6th, 7th and 8th. I have had learned few Asanas there but I lacked practicing it later during my college days.
I have forgotten Yoga completely until I got to know my father is going for group yoga in morning. Papa used to tell me about Anulom Vilom and Kapal Bhati but I never took it seriously.
I got enthusiastic about yoga and meditation again after listening so many people from west explaining benefits of it.
Specially when I got to know Steve Jobs has came to India for seeking some spiritual knowledge 😇.
It actually opened my eyes.After that I started listening people like Sandeep Maheshwari, Khursed Bataliwala (Bawa), Sadhguru and even Echort Tolle.
Between all of this quest, I got to know about Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar because of ongoing preparation of World Cultural Festival in 2016.
I searched about Him and I found myself so attached to Him. Later, When I got to know that Bawa is his disciple then I was very much clear about what to do.
I have heard about Sudarshan Kriya by one of the Art of Living Volunteer at IIT Madras Campus for the very first time.
Then searched about it over internet and I found an answer on Quora by Bawa himself and then I did not have any other thought expect to learn this amazing technique as soon as possible.
I made a call at Art of Living Bengaluru Ashram and got a closest and nearest Happiness Program by Johan Arora and Anshul Arora.
The Location was 15 Kms away from where I was staying and 5 Kms away from my Office. I choose evening time to that I could manage it with my office. I attended this course and It was really an eye opener for me.
I would recommend everyone to attend this awesome program so that you will become happy and spread happiness 😃.
Jai Gurudev 🙏

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