How to become a Software Developer in 2023

Becoming a software developer in 2023 requires a combination of education, experience, and a strong understanding of the latest technologies.

5 Things to do with Your First Salary
When I was in college, I used to make lot of hypothetical plans in my mind that I am gonna do this and that after I get my first First Salary. But the underlying reality is, When you get your first salary and you cannot do everything you have planned with it because...
How to join any PSU after engineering?
Are you planning to join PSU?  Then You have come to right place.  I gonna explain the complete process of joining almost any PSU.  So before getting into detail,  Let me tell you that I have prepared a mind map which is self explanatory and will save your lot of...

Mumbai is becoming better in Metro Connectivity

I came to Mumbai in October 2016 from Noida/Delhi. There are many things that i miss here in Mumbai and one of the major thing is the Metro Connectivity. While traveling to office, i usually see lot of construction work is happening for the metro connectivity by MMRC...

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The Life Changer Quote by Mark Twain

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens]...

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Managing Social Media Environments for Studies

With the increasing availability of internet,Students have started using Facebook and other social media (i.e. twitter,instagram,snapchat etc.) for connecting with their friends and sharing photos among them.But it's also important for students to keep their studies...

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सफलता की उड़ान

अभी तो पंख आये ही है, सफलता की पूरी उड़ान बाकी है | सफलता की तो बस अभी कल्पना की है, उसका हर सफ़र और अंजाम बाकी है | मेरी मंजिल एक ठिकाना नहीं, वो तो अगली मंजिल तक जाने का बहाना है | अभी तो पंख आये ही है, सफलता की पूरी उड़ान बाकी है...

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